HAPPY PEOPLE FOCUS ON WHAT THEY HAVE. UNHAPPY PEOPLE FOCUS ON WHAT IS MISSING. To be happy we must let go of what is gone, be grateful for what remains, and look forward to what is coming next. However, many of us seek happiness in material possessions, in riches and attention where all values are derived; but we are never satisfied, therefore, not happy. 

I have learned the hard way that happiness is not getting what we want, but on enjoying what we have; that happiness is loosening our grip on material things, avoid seeking self-importance and in treating others with love
There is no greater wealth in this world than peace and happiness.
 and kindness; that our greatness is not what we have but it is what we share that we will be remembered by whom and for what; that inner peace begins the moment we choose not to allow anything to control our emotions; and that the secret of being happy is accepting where we are in life. Success is not the key to happiness but happiness is the key to success. 

When you don't let things bother you, and don't get drawn into battles that don't matter, that's when you will be happy. - Joel Osteeen
Yes, happiness starts with us, not with our relationships, not with our job, not with our money but with us. We can be happy not because everything is good, but because we can see the good side of everything. Nothing will make us happy until we choose to be happy. No person will make us happy unless we decide to be happy. OUR HAPPINESSS WILL NOT COME TO US BUT IT CAN ONLY COME FROM US!

By Tim Pedrosa

Happiness is a choice, not a result, nothing will make us happy until we choose to be happy. No person will make us happy unless we decide to be happy. Our happiness will not come to us, it can only come from us.

