"I assure you that whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." Mark 10:15

What kind of world is it my friend that little children see?  I wonder if they see God first because they just believe?  Do they see strength in caring eyes who watch them as they play, or maybe love through gentle hands that guide them on their way? 

Do you think they dream of future times when they would be a king, or just enjoy their present life while with their friends they sing? Do they see the acts of kindness done for people who are poor? Is the very best in everyone what they are looking for? 

And when the day is over as they close their eyes to sleep, do they look forward to tomorrow with it's promises to keep? If this is what the children see then it should be no surprise the world would be a better place if we all had children's eyes. 

Childhood and Spirituality

Jesus' command that we should "become as little children" to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, teaches us about children and our spiritual life:

1. A little child is totally dependent. As the child becomes more aware of his surroundings, his dependency become rooted in total trust-the kind of trust God expects of us.

2. Young children are persistent. Persistence is an important quality to develop, especially in spiritual matters. We must be persistent in prayer if we hope to establish a truly effective line of communication with our heavenly Father.

3. Children have a sense of wonder about all of life. The object of intense youthful interest may be just a speck on the wall, a bird perched on top of a flagpole or a first crocuses of spring. It is because of this awareness that we discover the joy and fascination of God's blessings around us.

4. Children are free to show affection. Tender touches and free expressions of love are an integral part of childhood-a part that God would like adults to have also as new persons of the Spirit.

5. Small children are unconcerned about conformity. In their early years, children are guided by an inner sense rather than by the standards of the surrounding world. Wouldn't it be marvelous to have the same inner direction about the things of God? What an impact we might have in sharing the Gospel if we could ignore outward impressions or social repercussions.

6. All things seem possible for a small child. It is often the same with us and God. Suppose we approach a verse like Matthew 21.22: "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." The sky would probable we the limit. Isn't it?

7. Children need to spend time with their parents. To have significant influence over the development of our children we have to put in a sufficient quantity of quality time with them. God also wants us to spend undivided time with Him in prayer. He wants us to get to know Him, rather than to just know about Him.

As we meditate on Jesus' teachings in light of our relationship with our children, God will lead us a little further along the path to understanding Him. He is the perfect Parent. It is an exciting and rewarding prospect to accept Him as such and to be truly born anew into his family.

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The peak years of mental activity are between the ages of four and eighteen. At four they know all the questions, at eighteen they know all the answers.

