Proper breathing has profound effects on our health. Over 70% of waste by-products are eliminated  through our breathing and our skin. When our blood is heavily oxygenated it becomes very difficult for virus' and bacteria to grow in our body. Good breathing supports muscle growth and energy to get things done. Very often our "breathing mechanism" is in need of healing as a result of the breathing trauma we sustained at birth. The umbilical cord was probably cut too soon for many of us. Our first breath was filled with fluid, painful, scary and the result of being hit! When ever we undergo difficult moments in life now we tend to hold our breath. This then shuts down the musculature of the whole "mechanism" , creating body armor, thus locking in place the tension of the difficult moment.  Moments begin to pile up like this and soon we are only using 20% of our capacity to breath, thus having only 20% of our energy capacity. Breathwork Therapy can change allthis. There are several methods of breathing therapy. Below is the personal testimony of an unknown writer who claims that proper breathing could cure heahache and fatique. We have nothing to lose in trying.

Our noses have left and right nostrils. These nostrils do not have the same functions for inhaling (breathe in and exhaling breathe out). We can feel the difference.

When having headache, try to close your right nostril and use your left nostril to do breathing for about 5 min. The headache will be gone.

If you feel too tired, do it the opposite way. Close your left nostril and breathe through your right nostril.. After a while, you will feel refresh again.

Because the right side belongs to heat, so it gets hot easily. The left side gets cold easily.

Women breathe mainly with their left nostril, so they get calm down easily.

Men breathe mostly with their right nostril, so they get angry easily.

When we wake up, do we notice which nostril breathes faster? Is it the left side or the right side?

If the left nostril breathes faster, you will feel very tired. Close your left nostril and use your right nostril for breathing and you will get refresh quickly.

You can teach your kids about it. The effect of breathing therapy is much better for adults.

I used to have painful headache. When consulted a doctor, he told me jokingly," You will be all right if you get married!" The doctor had his theory and supported with testimony.

During that time, I used to have headache every night and I was not able to study. I took medicine but I was not cured.

One night as I sat down, I closed my right nostril and breathed with my left nostril. In less than a week, it seemed that my headache problem had left me! I continued doing it for about a month and since then there was no recurrence of headache in me.

This is my own experience. I used to tell others who also suffer headache to try this method as it was effective for me. It also works for those who have tried as well. This is a natural therapy, unlike taking medicines for a long time may have side effect. So, why don't you try it out?

Practice the correct ways of breathing (breathe in and breathe out) and your body will be in a very relaxing condition.


Worry is like a rocking chair. It will give us something to do, but it won’t get us anywhere. If we fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, we have no today to be thankful for. We can't change the past, but we can ruin the present by worrying over the future.

