God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. He answers us yes and give us what we want. He says no but gives us something better or the best.

God gives everything for us: a key for every problem, a relief for every sorrow, a plan for every tomorrow. God gives us strength. His work will never lack God's supply. He is not looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.

God’s Word is full of promises as the heavens are full of stars, and all of them are payable according to certain conditions. They are made freely and they are paid fully. Here are some thoughts inspired by the writings of an unknown writer.

Charles Spurgeon, a British preacher, called the book of God's promises "the checkbook of the Bank of Faith."  We do not have checkbooks for an ornament nor for meditation, but for use!

God’s promise is given to us to be presented and paid in full. The believer's fund is all lodged in the Lord's treasury, and the only way to secure it for use is to make daily drafts from the dependable and consistent supply. God writes no names upon these promises, only conditions upon which they will be honored.

Let's put our name in, fulfill the conditions, and draw upon God for all He promises. Some are payable upon demand, while others are dated further on. But God's long-term promise is as sure as the one payable on demand!  —Mrs. Charles E. Cowman (1870-1960)

The Bible is full of promises that God has made – promises laden with spiritual power that He wants us to apply.  Some are universal, like: "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" -Acts 2:21. Others were originally made to certain individuals or groups, like: "If you ask anything in My name, I will do it" -John 14:14 —a promise that Jesus first made to His 12 disciples.

But God’s promises were not given solely for the sake of the original hearers. They are for anyone who has enough faith to believe that God will be true to His Word.  God means exactly what He has said, and He will fulfill  them to the very letter if we will reach out with the hand of faith and claim them in a definite manner.

As we become more familiar with God’s Word, we will learn to recognize His promises and claim them as our own.  When we do that, it shows a positive declaration of our faith and knowledge of the Word, which pleases God and sets His power in motion to answer our prayers.

A time of greater darkness needs greater light; a time of greater testing needs greater strength. God’s promises, as your days, so shall your strength be. -Deuteronomy 33:25

As our need for spiritual power becomes greater, God provides that power. Jesus gave us some extraordinary promises regarding that, which we can claim specifically for the situations that we face today: "I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven"  -Matthew 16:19. “According to your faith let it be unto you" -Matthew 9:29.

What exactly are the “keys to the Kingdom”? A key unlocks

a door, it gains us entrance or possession of something otherwise unattainable. The keys Jesus spoke of, represent the spiritual power that can be ours through faith—power that has always been available to believers who claimed the many promises in God's Word in their times of need, but which is now even greater to meet today's greater challenges.

By Tim Pedrosa



Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to. Matthew 6:33