When we focus more on our desire rather than on our doubts, our dream will take care of itself. We will be surprised at how easily this happens. Our doubts are not as powerful as our desires, unless we make them so.

We bring about those results that we truly desire to happen in our lives when we are persistent and committed to attain our goal. Perseverance is essential to realize our hopes, dreams, desires and vision we hold for ourselves.

Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down.-Charles F. Kettering

It is not strictly of a physical nature. It shifts the quality of our consciousness and guides us towards the outcome we want to accomplish. It makes the physical journey more enjoyable and less strenuous.

Sometimes perseverance is necessary but other times, things just come into our lives with almost magical ease. It is truly just a matter of perspective. When we believe that our goal is going to be hard, difficult to achieve, and its attainment requires great sacrifice, then it will be difficult.

However, if we see the outcome in your mind’s eye and holding the picture of seeing its completion as fulfilling, rewarding and enjoyable as we work our way towards it, that is precisely how it will unfold.

Perseverance is the force that allows us to continue to take action until we develop the awareness of the correct action that allows us to quit going against and to begin going with the flow. Our action must be something that enables us to begin attracting the means to fulfill those that we most desire, whatever they might be.

It is perseverance that is responsible for and is the fuel that empowers and keeps us traveling down the road of higher self awareness and deeper understanding.

It is our beliefs and perceptions that can make the physical activity less than it has the potential to be. Our belief is what makes it responsible for producing less than the desired outcome or far greater than what is perceived to be attainable.

Falsely established beliefs plus lack of perseverance equates to a life of mediocrity, struggle, discord and perhaps even hopelessness. But developing enlivening and empowering beliefs combined with perseverance create what are often perceived to be miracles.

If you find that you are not bringing about the desired result, persevere in your heart, mind, spirit and physical activity until the underlying cause shifts, no longer requiring struggle and excessive effort.

So let us hold our chin high, remain steadfast, while continuously advancing towards whatever our individual desire might be.

By Tim Pedrosa

Now playing: The Impossible Dream

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not quite, the not yet, the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.- Ayn Rand
