Help for the Humble

Sometimes accepting a challenging suggestion is to declare that we are wiser than before. It is not harmful to swallow our pride occasionally, as it is not fattening. Here is an article about pride and humility derived from the writings of Robert H. Schuller.

He who humbles himself shall be exalted; he who exalts himself shall be humbled.

A chief executive of one of America’s top corporations was approached by a janitor who said, “Sir, I’ve noticed you seem a little on edge lately.”

Well, John,” the executive replied, “If I am, it’s because I’m carrying an enormous load. Under the circumstances, I think I have a right to be anxious.”

As he turned his back to unlock his door, he heard the janitor say, “But sir, if you believed in the God I believe in, you’d be on top of the circumstances, not under them.”

Stopped short by this sentence, but too proud to turn around and acknowledge it, he walked into his office. He put his head in his hands and prayed: “God, are You out there? Or are You here? Have I been missing You all this time?”

Then he called the janitor in and asked him what church he went to. The next Sunday the janitor took the executive as his guest to church. And he became a believer!

Faith is willing to accept help from all sources. What pride and prejudice might be holding you back from developing professionally,personally, or spiritually?

Be humble enough to take help from anybody. You’ll be surprised what God will open up for you!

Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples…

The habit of showing humility can begin with small steps. Start by making certain behaviors a habit and before you know it, you’ll be demonstrating it without even knowing it. For instance, if you wish people to think well of you, don’t speak well of yourself but address their lives and thoughts abundantly. That demonstrates humbleness.
