We cannot change the past, but we can ruin the present by worrying over the future. Whatever happens, happens for a reason. Greet each day with the belief that wonderful things are about to happen. Let's not be anxious about anything. When life becomes troublesome and worries crowd our day, let those heartaches blow away.

Once we have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness and troubles start disappearing. If we start looking at life with joy, sadness starts fading. We cannot have heaven and hell together, we can have only one.

No matter what happened, no matter what looms ahead, if we can eat today, let's enjoy the sunlight, mix  good cheer with friends, let's enjoy it and  thank God for what we have; trust Him for what we need. We have a lot to be thankful for. Here are some beautiful words of wisdom.

Don't worry for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take care of itselft.

We have nothing to do with tomorrow until we get to it. When the day comes with its cares, then we may meet them and then God will provide for them. Duty only is ours, the faithful, diligently doing of God's will day by day. The rest is God's, and anxious care is unbelief.

Worry is like a rocking chair. It will give us something to do, but it won’t get us anywhere. Where there is worry, there cannot be any rest or comfort. Where there is fear there cannot be any peace. Here are some suggestions to get rid ourselves of worry.

Write it down. Acknowledging your worry takes away its obsessive power. So make a list of what’s bugging you.

Say a prayer. Ask God for help, patience and the strength to get through your troubles.

Do something. Clean out your closet, reorganize a room, write a letter or make a phone call you’ve been putting off. You’ll feel better just getting something done.

Read a book about someone else’s troubles (to take your mind off your own), something uplifting or funny, or even a self-help book for advice.

Take a break. For 10-15 minutes, sit with your eyes closed in a quiet spot. Mentally make a list of blessings in your life; good health, plenty of food in the refrigerator, friends and family, nice weather, anything you can think of.

Take a walk. Movement is action. With any luck, the exercise will clear your mind and raise your endorphin levels at the same time. Getting out in the sun will lift your spirits too.

Let it go. For a day or even just a few hours, do something you enjoy. Try to refresh your mind and see things in a new light. Don’t worry – your problems will still be there when you get back.

Ask for help. Ask your spouse, friend, sibling or family for ideas on how to get past the obstacles in your life. It’ll remind you that others have gotten through the same problems before and hopefully give you some useful advice. 

Sometimes you just have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how they're meant to be.

By Tim Pedrosa

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. ~Buddha~

