< The Widom of Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect is merely a scientific term for the Law of Attraction and it is the most important law of the universe. Like all universal laws, it is extremely important that we understand it if we want to learn how to attract the abundance, joy, fulfillment, peace and happiness that we desire into our lives.

Just as we can only harvest what we sow, the choice of our actions can only produce effects that are in accordance with the action that we put in. So choose wisely.

I first learned the theory of Cause and Effect in my Physics class in high school. According to this hypothesis, nothing can happen without a cause and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Later in life I have encountered different truisms, sayings and quotations related to it, like: We reap what we sow, we get what we give, what goes around comes around, or karma, life is an echo and many other similar statements.

As I continued to analyze and discern the theory, it has only strengthened my belief and my faith that the universe did not just exist by itself; that there is a God, the Creator, and the Source of everything. Great minds have failed to prove the origin of the universe and of many other things. This theory proves that God truly exists.

Like all other universal laws, this law is unchanging, unwavering, deliberate, and precise in its application and delivery. Unlike man-made law, it is bound to happen and delivers back to us, the results of whatever we give, whatever action or inaction we choose to take or not take. For example in planting and growing of plants, we harvest what we sow. It is the same process and it works everywhere, always, and in anything and everything.

If our thought consists of fearful, anxious, and doubtful results, then we will receive fearful and doubtful results. But there is the incredible news! By nurturing the original thought with healthy, concise, focused, and positive elements, it would produce results according to what we have input to it.

Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned not given.

Similarly, on this line of reasoning, the more we cause others to be happy, the more we will be happy. Whatever we wish to get, give it away first. This is the fastest path. Whatever we wish to have, let us cause others to have it first. So it is to our best interests to sow good seeds; not to be unjust to anyone unless we wish to have injustice turn back to us one day. Hate, covetousness, greed, anger – negative thoughts and actions could cause negative conditions and sufferings and need correction.

It is waking up to this fact, and asking ourselves, what caused what we just had or what will be the effect of what we are having that enables us to fine-tune ourselves. It is the path to experiencing a better life. Things get better when we get better. They get worse when we get worse. The world is all within us. We are the cause of everything that happens in our lives, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Certainly love also begets love. It sounds selfish at first when somebody tells us, "I will take care of you so that you can take care of me."  but if we think about it realistically, it is the profound and essential truth that must be present and live out in every relationship; for it is in loving that we are being loved; it is in sharing that we receive.

 By Tim Pedrosa
