Who would know that a little brew could perform these convenient summertime tasks? Here are some tips from Mrs. Fixit, posted on June 15, 2010 at Aol.com.

Partially full beer bottles are always a part of my barbecue clean-up routine. To avoid being wasteful, I dump them in the garden. Now, that might sound like an odd place to dump beer -- and you may be wondering what's so resourceful about pouring it in the dirt anyway. But the garden is actually the perfect spot for leftover beer. A good, old-fashioned brew has some other cool uses too.

Enrich Soil
Yeast is beneficial to plants, so pour a few tablespoons of flat beer into your garden to cultivate the soil. The yeast-filled soil will help plants grow healthier and make your garden flourish.

Trap Bees
If bees are a problem in your yard, you can battle them with beer. Punch a series of 3/8-inch holes in the top of an old jar. Fill the jar with beer, screw the top in place and put it in the yard where you've seen bees. They'll be attracted to the beer and will be able to get into the jar -- but not out!

Banish Slugs
If slugs have infiltrated your garden and are munching away at your greenery, bury an empty tuna fish can next to your plants so that just the lip is sticking out. Fill the can with beer and check it in the morning; you should have caught some of those slimy suckers! All you have to do is empty the can each day. This little trick also works with

Polish Wood Furniture
Got some leftover beer that's gone flat? Pour a little on a microfiber rag and rub it into your wood furniture to add a little shine and deepen the color.

Tenderize a T-Bone
Firing up the grill? If you find yourself with a tough cut of meat for a barbecue,
marinate it for an hour or so in some beer. The beer will infuse the meat with flavor and tenderize it while it sits, so it will cook up nice and juicy.

Tip: If you spill a little beer on yourself, sponge it with equal parts of white vinegar and dish soap, and then flush it out with cool water.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
